Allard Pierson

The call of the o'o – Nature under pressure

30 August 2024 bis einschl. 26 Januar 2025


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The Hawaiian bird species kauai o'o is extinct. There are sound recordings of the last male calling to a female that no longer exists. It symbolises nature disappearing at the hands of man, the theme to which the Allard Pierson is devoting a heritage event this autumn.

Exhibition and programming

The central collection of the Allard Pierson museum stands in the Artis Library. Through an extensive exhibition and programming, the Allard Pierson highlights the relationship between Western European humans and nature, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Beautiful drawings, books and prints illustrate how nature was explored and depicted by Western Europeans. And with what motives and values this was done. Amazement, curiosity and admiration went hand in hand with subjugation, exhaustion and destruction of habitat. Why did humans place themselves outside nature for centuries? And don't we still do so?

Contemporary reflections

The exhibition also features works by contemporary artists that connect to the historical narratives. They reveal the impact of history on the present. In activities accompanying the exhibition, the museum, together with partners and visitors, delves deeper into the state of science around nature under pressure.

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30 August 2024 bis einschl. 26 Januar 2025

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Allard Pierson

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