Aletta Jacobs’ desk
Aletta Jacobs’ desk The old workplace of Jacobs with desk and chair Mascha Bakker
Aletta Jacobs was always very busy. As the first female doctor and as an activist for women’s rights and peace. She must have written many of her books, articles and letters at this desk. On the desk you will find the letter from J.R. Thorbecke from 1871. In it, the head of government gave Jacobs permission to study medicine.
Later on, Jacobs must have spoken to many patients from behind her desk as the first female general practitioner. She held free consultations for underprivileged women in Amsterdam. After working as a GP, Aletta Jacobs became an advocate for equal rights and peace. She was in close contact with activists from all over the world. Displayed are also framed photographs that Jacobs had on her desk. Photos of members of her family, like her open-minded father. Or of her trip around the world, which was devoted to women’s suffrage. Aletta Jacobs continued to be busy. ‘There is still so much to do in the world’, she sighed in 1926, near the end of her life. Nevertheless, she had already achieved an incredible amount. This desk is a tangible reminder of that.
Universiteitsmuseum Groningen
Niederländische Museumskarte gültig