Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 13:00 until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Thu - Sun 13:00 - 17:00
Mon - Tue Closed
Overview of opening hours
Wolwevershaven 9
3311 AV Dordrecht
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078 - 84 38 746

Het Dordts Patriciërshuis in Dordrecht
The Dordts Patriciërshuis in Dordrecht
De binnenkant van het Patriciërshuis
The inside of the Patrician House

Hiding behind the distinguished façade on the Meuse river is the cozy house museum Dordts Patriciërshuis (Doordrecht patrician house). Step inside, be transported back to the 18th century and experience the most impressive room in the museum – the round Maaskamer.

Period rooms

Hiding behind the distinguished façade on the Meuse river is the cozy house museum Dordts Patriciërshuis (Doordrecht Patrician House). Picture yourself back in the 18th century. The rooms are furnished with furniture in Louis XVI style.

Cornelis Kuipers

The relatively unknown painter Cornelis Kuipers made interior items such as the hearth pieces, which can still be admired here after 200 years. You can also marvel at works by the brothers Abraham and Jacob van Strij, A. Schouman, J.C. Schotel and L. de Koningh.


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