Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 11:00 until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Thu - Sun 11:00 - 17:00
Mon Closed
Tue 11:00 - 17:00
Overview of opening hours
Lange Haven 74
3111 CH Schiedam
Plan route Plan route

010 - 24 69 676

Het Jenevermuseum in Schiedam
Het Jenevermuseum in Schiedam
De stad Schiedam werdt bekend als Jenever hoofdstad van de wereld, in het museum leer je alles over deze drank
De stad Schiedam werdt bekend als Jenever hoofdstad van de wereld, in het museum leer je alles over deze drank
De binnenkant van het museum
De binnenkant van het museum

In the Netherlands you can order a jenever in many ways: borrel, neut, pikketanussie or a jonge met ijs. In English they call this juniper-flavored traditional liquor from the Netherlands, Belgium, and adjoining areas in France and Germany, jenever, Hollands, genever, peket or even Dutch gin. Jenever by any other name would taste as sweet. It has many names and fans. Want to know more about the traditional drink of the Netherlands? Visit the Nationaal Jenevermuseum.

How is jenever made?

The Jenevermuseum, housed in a former distillery, opened in 1996. See and smell how they used to make the traditional drink. Meet the glassblower, coppersmith, cooper and bag carrier. Taste the product that merits this much hard work. The trades helper still heats up the kettle and prepares the malt wine jenever, Old Schiedam just as they did 300 years ago.


Netherlands Museum Pass valid

Would you like to purchase a Netherlands Museum Pass?


  • Museumwinkel
  • Drinken
  • Parkeergelegenheid voor auto's
More information on the museum website

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