Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 11:00 until 17:00

Jufferenstraat 6-8
8081 CR Elburg
Plan route

0525 - 68 13 41

Museum Elburg is gevestigd in een Middeleeuws klooster
The Elburg Museum is located in a medieval monastery
De binnenkant van het klooster
The interior of the monastery
Het museum is ingericht aan de hand van zes thema's, de 'zes van Elburg'
The museum is arranged according to six themes, the 'Six of Elburg

The city of Elburg exudes a medieval atmosphere. Dive into history at Museum Elburg. The monastery buildings, Vischpoort, casemates and guardhouse are all part of the museum.


Netherlands Museum Pass valid

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  • Drinken
  • Parkeergelegenheid voor auto's
  • Museumwinkel
More information on the museum website

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