Opening hours, address and telephone number

Open today from 10:00 until 17:00

Opening hours next week
Day Opening hours
Thu 10:00 - 17:00
Fri 11:00 - 16:00
Sat - Sun Closed
Mon - Tue 10:00 - 17:00
Overview of opening hours
Prins Willem Alexanderhof 5
2595 BE Den Haag
Plan route Plan route

070 - 33 39 777

Breitner, Gezicht op de Langebrug over het Rokin te Amsterdam, foto collectie RKD
Foto van George Hendrik Breitner uit de collectie van het RKD
De publieksruimte van het RKD
Publieksruimte van het RKD - Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis
De expositieruimte van het RKD - Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis
Expositie in het RKD - Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis

The RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History is one of the most important documentation and research institutes in the world. The RKD is a knowledge center, and closely cooperates with museums, heritage organizations, universities and private organisations.

Collection and public function

Aside from its role in research, the RKD also maintains a collection and serves a public function. The RKD manages unique archives, documentary and photographic material, as well as the largest library on Western art history ranging from the late Middle Ages to the present, focused on Dutch art in international context. The collections cover not only painting, drawing and sculpture, but also monumental art, modern media and design. The collections are accessible both online and in the reading room.


Netherlands Museum Pass not valid

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